Remove appointees who fail to deliver –El-Rufai advises Tinubu


Former governor of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, has stirred the pot once more over accountability in government, this time by offering President Bola Tinubu advise

President Bola Tinubu and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai

El-Rufai urges President Tinubu to demonstrate courage in dropping appointees who fail to meet expectations and to consider policy amendments when necessary.

Speaking to newsmen in Maiduguri, El-Rufai emphasized the importance of accountability in leadership, stating, “You appointed a person into a position and he is not working according to the expectation, you should have the humility to tell him that I need a better person, go and do something else.”

El-Rufai also called for prayers and support from the citizens for the administration in its quest to turn things around.

“What we must do as citizens is to pray for our leaders for God to guide them to see or do what is right.

“For God to give them the humility to reverse themselves when necessary and do the right thing; that is how society progresses,” he further stated

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