Northern Group Condemns Babachir Lawal’s Criticism of Pres. Tinubu


A prominent Northern group has strongly condemned Babachir Lawal’s recent statements against President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

The Northern Congress for Change (NCC) criticized Lawal’s comments, describing them as hypocritical and unrepresentative of the northern populace.

Babachir Lawal recently declared that Nigeria has deteriorated since President Tinubu’s inauguration on May 29, 2023. He attributed the nation’s economic woes to Tinubu’s immediate removal of the fuel subsidy, which he argued should have been delayed until the formation of the new cabinet.

In a press conference held in Abuja on Tuesday, NCC’s convener, Dr. Ben Amodu, dismissed Lawal’s allegations as baseless. He accused Lawal of projecting his disappointment from his failed support for Labour Party candidate Peter Obi in the last presidential election.

“David Babachir Lawal’s statements are not only misguided but also hypocritical. Still reeling from the grass-cutting scandal and his failed support for Peter Obi, he lacks the moral authority and temerity to criticize President Tinubu’s administration,” Amodu stated.

The NCC highlighted Lawal’s controversial tenure, marked by allegations of financial impropriety, including the infamous grass-cutting scandal that led to his removal from office. The group asserted that Lawal’s tarnished reputation undermines his credibility to critique current governmental policies.

“Lawal’s involvement in the grass-cutting scandal and subsequent removal from office due to allegations of financial impropriety significantly tarnished his reputation. Lawal will always be inconsequential and irrelevant in discussions of a prosperous government,” Amodu added.

The NCC urged Nigerians to focus on the significant strides being made under President Tinubu’s leadership rather than be swayed by what they termed as Lawal’s unfounded criticisms. The group expressed confidence in the president’s vision for the nation and called for unity in supporting the government’s policies aimed at fostering national development.

“As we gaze into the future, many promising prospects await Nigeria. The Northern Congress for Change implores Nigerians to disregard David Babachir Lawal’s unfounded and spurious assertions and concentrate on the tangible progress and significant strides being made under President Tinubu’s visionary leadership,” Amodu concluded.

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