‘Stay Unmarried if That’s What Brings You Joy — Yul Edochie


Nollywood actor and self-styled cleric Yul Edochie has shared his unconventional views on marriage and divorce, asserting that there is nothing wrong with leaving a marriage that doesn’t work.

According to Edochie, people can marry 50 times if that’s what brings them happiness.

In a recent interview with White Pearl Studios, Edochie emphasized that marriage should be based on individual happiness rather than societal expectations.

“For me, marriage is not a do or die thing. If you see it is not working, walk away respectfully. You don’t have to hurt each other. And when you walk away and you see the next person and you decide to marry, go ahead and marry. If e no work again, go. If you see another one, marry. If e no work again, go. You can marry 50 times as long as it works for you,” he stated.

Edochie also mentioned that staying unmarried is a valid choice if it makes one happy.

He encouraged people to prioritize their own happiness and not to let others dictate what is best for them. “You can’t control how people react towards you. And what makes me happy is different from what makes you happy. Don’t let anybody tell you what’s good for you. Find out what works for you. And if you decide in this life that you will not marry till you die, please do. Be happy,” he advised.

Edochie previously made headlines with his controversial second marriage to Judy Austin, which led to his first wife, May Edochie, filing for divorce. The divorce proceedings are still ongoing.

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