Nigeria’s Democracy at Risk Due to Opposition Disunity, Says Atiku


Atiku Abubakar, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has voiced concerns that the disunity among opposition parties is posing a significant threat to Nigeria’s democracy.

In a statement marking this year’s Democracy Day, Atiku emphasized that the opposition’s failure to form a coalition and present a unified plan of governance is undermining the country’s democratic progress.

“The historical timeline of the struggle that birthed this democracy is abundant with a series of coalitions and alliances amongst the political leaderships of that era to flush away the vestiges of military and dictatorial governance in order to return power to the people,” Atiku said

Celebrating 25 years of uninterrupted electoral politics in Nigeria, Atiku praised the people and the political class for their role in nurturing the country’s democracy.

“It is commendable that for 25 years, we have witnessed an unprecedented epoch in our history. It is worthy of celebration, and commendation must go to the people of our great country,” he stated.

However, Atiku’s message was clear: the sustainability of Nigeria’s democracy is at risk due to the current state of the opposition.

He stressed that the opposition’s inability to function effectively and form coalitions has made them more culpable for democratic shortcomings than the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

“Today, the failings of the opposition parties to uphold the functionality of their existence are a major threat to our democracy,” Atiku warned. He called on opposition parties to realize the importance of unity, stating, “The earlier they realize that the fortunes of Nigeria lie in their forging a coalition, the better it will be for our country and the people.”

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By olamay
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