Petition: Urgent Call for the Arrest and Investigation of Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu

By naijanewsc 8

Petition: Urgent Call for the Arrest and Investigation of Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu

To: The Inspector General of Police, Nigerian Police Force

We, the undersigned citizens, urgently call for the immediate arrest and thorough investigation of Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu. The following points detail our grave concerns and justify our plea for swift action:

  1. Overstepping Boundaries: Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu has taken on a role that usurps the authority of the Nigerian Police. His actions in the investigation into the kidnapping of Afiba and Cellen by Mr. Andrew, a British national, have far exceeded the remit of a private individual, raising significant questions about his true intentions.
  2. Manipulation of the Legal Process: Mr. Harrison’s involvement began when he used the testimony of Ms. Rachel, one of Andrew’s alleged victims, to highlight Andrew’s dangerous activities. Despite Andrew being in police custody and an ongoing investigation by the anti-kidnapping team, Harrison continuously updated his platform, influencing public opinion and potentially jeopardizing a fair investigation by castigating Andrew as an organ harvester without any basic facts. He used this narrative to divert national attention from the course of the alleged crimes committed by Andrew, which include failures by your officers to act on multiple complaints made against him well before the latest incident involving two young women, one of whom is Ghanaian and the other a Nigerian. It is crucial to address this case urgently as those girls may still be alive.
  3. Suspicious Actions During Bail and Transfer: On May 22nd, when Andrew was scheduled for bail, Harrison claimed to have petitioned the Inspector General of Police, leading to Andrew’s transfer from Abia to Abuja. During this transfer, it is alleged that officers extorted N1.5 million from Andrew and coerced him into a fatal escape attempt. Harrison’s role in this transfer and his omission of critical details about the officers’ misconduct are highly suspicious.
  4. Questionable Conduct and Evidence Handling: After Andrew’s death, Harrison announced the discovery of body bags near Andrew’s house and involved the same officers responsible for Andrew’s transfer and death, bypassing the local police. His team searched Andrew’s house without unbiased witnesses and allegedly took foreign currency found there. Harrison did not disclose the discovery of the missing girls’ phones and made dubious claims about missing curtains and fresh bloodstains, despite extensive police searches.
  5. Inconsistent and Suspicious Findings: Harrison’s narrative about decomposed bodies and fresh bloodstains raises serious doubts. His early announcement about the state of the bodies before his visit further undermines his credibility. The improbability of a community ignoring decomposing bodies for a month and red bloodstains persisting after 30 days casts significant doubt on his account.
  6. Financial Misconduct and Cover-Up: The money extorted from Andrew was transferred to an account (OGUOBI, UGOCHUKWU @ UBA, account number 2140386167). After these revelations, Harrison reportedly collected this money in cash from the police officers involved. This raises serious concerns about Harrison’s true interests and potential tampering with crucial evidence.

Given these points, it appears that Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu may be collaborating with corrupt police officers to cover up this crime. His actions have not only obstructed justice but have also raised significant questions about his integrity and intentions.

We, therefore, urgently call on the Inspector General of Police to:

  1. Arrest Mr. Harrison Gwamnishu immediately.
  2. Conduct a thorough investigation into his actions and involvement in this case.
  3. Ensure that all evidence, including financial transactions and communications, is meticulously examined.
  4. Hold accountable any individuals found to be complicit in this conspiracy, including corrupt police officers.

Justice must be served, and the integrity of the Nigerian Police Force must be upheld. We trust that you will take swift and decisive action to ensure that those responsible for these egregious acts are brought to justice.

Ben Samuel

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