Presidents Are Mortal — Shehu Sani on Tinubu’s Democracy Day Slip


Former Kaduna Central Senator Shehu Sani has defended President Bola Tinubu after a slip at Eagles Square in Abuja during the 2024 Democracy Day celebration.

Sani pointed out that similar incidents have happened to other world leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden and former Cuban President Fidel Castro.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Sani emphasized that tripping and falling can happen to anyone, regardless of their status.

“Not just President Tinubu, anyone alive can trip and fall; it happened to President Biden and Fidel Castro. Presidents are human beings and mortals,” Sani stated.

The incident occurred as President Tinubu was boarding the parade vehicle shortly after arriving at the venue. Security personnel and aides quickly came to his assistance, helping him regain his balance.

Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Social Media, Dada Olusegun, also addressed the incident, asserting that there are no concerns regarding the president’s health. “Tinubu only missed his steps,” Olusegun clarified

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