Harrison Gwamnishu: Exposed – From Convicted Kidnapper and Armed Robber to Pretend Human Rights Activist


Points Against Harrison:

  1. Silencing Dissent: Harrison has attempted to silence my voice using his followers. Nonetheless, I will continue to expose the truth about his criminal activities.
  2. Past Crimes: Harrison has a history of serious crimes, including kidnapping, armed robbery, and evading justice after being paid to donate a kidney.
  3. False Accusations: Despite serving five years in jail for a crime he claims he didn’t commit, Harrison now pretends to be a hero while hiding from his past.
  4. Criminal Network: Harrison is consistently linked to a criminal network implicated in the kidnappings of Afiba and Celine.
  5. Extortion Tools: He provided the POS machine used by the police to extort bribes from Andrew.
  6. Suspicious Petition: Harrison admitted to writing a petition to transfer Andrew’s case, which turned out to be fake, raising suspicions about his intentions.
  7. Fake IG Letter: He sent a poorly written fake letter from the Inspector General of Police that didn’t even mention the suspect’s name.
  8. Identifying Andrew: Harrison sent his staff, Mavilous, to identify Andrew, implicating himself further in fraudulent activities.
  9. Extortion Awareness: He was aware of the ongoing extortion of logistics money from Afiba’s husband and Celine’s family through Blessing.
  10. Police Extortion: Harrison knew about the police extorting money from Andrew while they detoured to various locations.
  11. Announcing Death: He announced Andrew’s death and allowed his staff to insult Andrew’s corpse.
  12. Financial Extortion: Harrison employed his own POS operator to extract five million out of the seven million naira paid by Afiba’s husband to Blessing and corrupt police officers.
  13. Returning Money: After being exposed, Harrison returned the money collected from Andrew, raising questions about his original intentions.
  14. Decomposed Body: Harrison discovered supposed Andrew’s victim decomposed body but did not inform local authorities or the police, instead showing it to the public.
  15. Illegal Search: He searched Andrew’s house without a warrant or independent oversight.
  16. Theft of Properties: Harrison admitted to finding phones in Andrew’s house, which he did not declare initially, and cash was stolen during the search.
  17. Planted Evidence: He is accused of showing planted blood evidence and Andrew’s home curtains to the public without proper verification.
  18. Challenge to Defend: MrBen challenges Harrison to defend himself against these significant allegations.
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