Northern Political Forces Rallying Behind Buhari to Unseat Tinubu — Shehu Sani


Senator Shehu Sani, a former federal lawmaker and human rights activist, made shocking allegations about the political dynamics within Nigeria during an interview on Arise News TV.

Sani claimed that there is substantial evidence suggesting that political forces from the North are rallying and regrouping with the intent to use former President Muhammadu Buhari as a focal point to undermine and eventually unseat the government of President Bola Tinubu.

Sani highlighted that these northern political forces are strategically mobilizing, aiming to destabilize Tinubu’s administration. According to him, the regrouping efforts are not merely speculative but are grounded in observable political movements and activities.

The former senator emphasized the potential implications of such actions on the nation’s political stability, warning that the involvement of a prominent figure like Buhari could intensify the situation.

While Sani did not provide specific details or evidence during the interview, his assertions have raised questions about the unity and cohesion within the country’s political landscape.

The allegations point to a broader struggle for power and influence, reflecting the ongoing complexities in Nigeria’s governance.

“It is a tradition, a culture, a norm or a ritual that each time you have a Sallah celebration, prominent people do visit the former President of this country, but I must clear the air by making a point.

“First of all, there is evidence of rallying of forces, regrouping of political forces from the North trying to use former President Buhari as a rally point in order to evict the government of Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu.”

Sani said the Northern political forces “hope to resurrect the political charms in the heart of the masses and portray the government as the one that has been undermining the North and the one that has not been living up to his campaign promises.

“Reason being that he has the highest votes from there, and I must warn that an attempt to do that can create a serious problem for our country.”

According to him, “Buhari has been in power for eight years and there has never been any serious Southerner who challenged his government in terms of trying to remove him out of office.

Secondly, we should know that before you think of power, you think of the whole country. We should be thinking of a united country, a peaceful country. Nigeria is still a fragile nation.


“What will happen if Southern politicians decide to also form the idea of uniting them and making a position that this is their stand? There will be no Nigeria.

“So, they (Northerners) in the interest of the unity of the country and the future of the country, sacrifice their own personal ambitions, at least for 2027 and North will have the moral right to ask for power after the second term of this administration if a southerner takes over power, even if it not Tinubu.”

As the situation develops, it remains to be seen how these alleged plans will unfold and what impact they might have on President Tinubu’s administration and the overall political environment in Nigeria.

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By olamay
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