Ex-Senator Shehu Sani Urges Tinubu to Avoid Buhari’s Appointment Errors


Former Senator Shehu Sani has advised President Bola Tinubu to avoid appointment mistakes made by his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari.

Speaking during an interview on Channels Television’s Sunday Politics, Sani emphasized the need for President Tinubu to prioritize competence in his appointments to achieve meaningful progress for the country.

Sani highlighted that during Buhari’s administration from May 2015 to May 2023, nepotism was rampant, yet it failed to produce positive results in crucial areas such as security, economy, education, and healthcare.

“I will advise President Tinubu to be careful not to make the mistakes of President Buhari, and I believe he is experienced enough to understand this,” Sani said.

He observed that under Buhari, ministers were appointed for the entirety of his two terms without any cabinet reshuffles or removals. Even when a minister was removed, it took an average of three to four months to appoint a replacement, which hampered governance. “That was the way the country was governed,” Sani lamented.

Sani criticized the peak of nepotism during Buhari’s tenure, where individuals were appointed and retained in office despite their lack of performance.

He noted that service chiefs were kept in their positions despite failures, which stunted the careers of many capable officers waiting in the wings. “For many years, many officers were retired to appoint one person,” he pointed out.

To move the country forward, Sani stressed the importance of treating competency as the primary qualification for appointments.

He also commented on the situation in northern Nigeria, attributing its underdevelopment to the failure of political leaders from the region to use their power effectively.

He questioned the use of political power in the region, stating that it had not benefitted the people for a long time.

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